Thursday….always an enjoyable evening.   I veg on Thursdays and watch Friends and ER.  Let’s see….what is new around here. Nothing….same old. 

I enjoyed the speaker from Creative Memories the other night at Families First.  She made me feel pretty guilt about not having albums together so Josh, etc.  I wish I had time, but it has motivated me to at least organize the memorabilia and pictures by years, etc.

I am so excited we got a call for the Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) center that they had a cancellation and therefore an opening in their current class.   There is 10 weeks left in the class so we said we would take the spot.  So Tommy starts school tomorrow, his teacher’s name is Nicole.  I can’t believe how hard it is to get into their play groups….ARGH!   So now we will see if we even like it.   So I plan on going into the office later every Friday so I can go to the class most weeks with Paul and Tommy.

The only other earth shaking news is that ………………..Paul and I are going out to a movie Saturday!   I really don’t want to, but Paul is with the baby all the time and really wants to get out.  I would rather just stay home with Tommy…I miss him so when I am at work.  But I decided I could handle a afternoon movie.  So my 14 year old niece Lisa is going to baby sit.  I am a bit nervous.  But her mom does daycare so she has cared for many babies…and she is a great kid!!!!!!!!!

Well I am off to bed so I can get up early and go to school with Tommy.  

BTW, CUPOJAVA???   Was today your little man’s appointment at the DR??  How did is go?? How did the shots go??  Did he run a fever or anything?   IS he starting cereal, what does he weigh….etc..   It is great having someone with a little guy the same age. 

Have a great night…and yes, it is snowing again in MN!

3 thoughts on “

  1. …hey, getting photos and such organized by year is the largest part in getting albums done. The rest is sheer creative fun! Give yourself a big pat on the back.
    …good news about Tommy! MuSe

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