Well I am up and ready to leave for work. Hubby is snowblowing the driveway so I have to wait a bit to leave. So what else would I do with my time than blog. LOL!!
I actually worked from home yesterday as Tommy was still running a bit of a fever. I know I don’t *need to stay home with him when he is sick, since my hubby is here. But I feel so terrible to leave my baby when he isn’t feeling well. So more for me than him, I worked from home yesterday. He slept alot since he wasn’t feeling well so I got a lot done.
For work I got three projects I had been procrastinating about done. Now if I would jsut get the one at home done that I am procrastinating about. I am terrible about that. If it is something I don’t want to do, I will find anything else to do to not do it!
Well I’m off to work. Baby is still sleeping, but I guess I will have to leave without getting him ready for his day.
Tonight we have Families First and we are havinga speaker again. It will be a creative memories lady. Should be fun, though I NEVER has time to scrap book. I have none done of Tommy’s. I need to do that…………..I dont’ even have my wedding scrap book done!
have fun t onight. i need to get back into scrapbooking. i go in phases.
Sounds like fun tonight. I have all sorts of scrapbooking stuff and haven’t started a single page. Someday…