
How is everyone doing?  The days of the week are jsut rushing by me.  I hate when that happens.  Last night I got home from work, had supper and worked on our taxes.  I have the state and federal done, I just have to recheck and rewrite them.  We have a descent size return coming so I hope it will be enough to make it so my hubby won’t have to go back to work until September.  It is a good feeling to have all three of my boys home with their Dad for the summer.    I wish we could cut back out expenses enough to be able to manage on mone income permanently, but I don’t think we can.  But we have managed nicely for around 3 years.  It worked out perfectly with having hte baby, since I didn’t want to have him in daycare for the first year of his life.  Tommy will start daycare at my SIL’s daycare in September.  SHe didn’t want to start him over the summer, since she has a lot of other kids then.  but when school starts again she is down to just the little ones again.  I think that will work out nicely.

I suppose I better get moving and get to work.  I have a number of things to get done there.  I of course made my to do list last night before coming home.  That is working out very well, a bit more planning sure makes me day go better.

Erik is coming for weekend visitation today.  Hubby will be picking him up around 3:30.  Well i best get moving….have a great Friday!!

0 thoughts on “

  1. >>>hello  just sending u smiles 2day & hope u had a good day.  wow, u sound so organized!  btw, i do hope u could visit my weblog coz i really need erbody’s help in naming my boyz.  they’re gonna induce me this MONDAY(YEYEY!  3dayz fr now.  cant wait), i still havent dcided, & im running out of time!  i only need 1 more coz ive dcided what 2 name the other twin already.  thnx in advance & wish u an ez goin day 2morrow

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