As you can tell we went to have Tommy’s pictures taken today.  He was a bit crabby, but did ok, not his usual big smile.   We went to the library this morning and picked up the books I had on reserve.  I love the library!! 

Paul got his haircut, then Tommy’s pictures taken.  We had a friend over for supper and watched the exocist on TV.   I made parmesan chicken, pasta and an onion vinagrette salad for supper.  I also made the Lethal Pepermint cake for the cake Dr cookbook, that KImmiesMommie mentioned.  YUMMY!!!

Now I have scanned Tom’s Pics and time for me to head to bed.  I am soooo tired! 

0 thoughts on “

  1. He’s so adorable!    I need to go to the library more often.  Will be easier when they build the one they anticipate will open in the Fall nearby. 

  2. >>>ow, he’s adorable  im new here still so this is the 1st time ive seen ur baby’s pix.  & if that’s not even the best of it…OMG!  he’s already cute here…cant imagine it get even better  well, goodluck in finding a good book & hope u have a nice day!

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