Hello everyone!!
This morning the alarm clock went off, and hubby turned it off so we didn’t make it to church. But I did watch the broadcast on TV in my pj’s. That is one thing I like about our church if I don’t feel well and don’t make it to church I can watch it on local cable. I did that a lot when I was pregnant and so ill wit hthe gestational diabetes.
Yep, it is about 11:30 here and I am still in my pj’s. I did watch church and read the paper already. I have a number of items I must finish today. I need to finish listening to my book on tapes, since they are due on Monday. I have four tapes left.
Finish Prodigal Summer on tapeReconcile CheckbookPay Bills
Complete our taxesMake menu for the next two weeksGet Package Ready to Mail to Dawn
Finish up Laundry
Make the rest of the Egg McMuffins to freeze for Breakfasts.Change the look of site, Valentine’s day is OVER, DUH!
Hubby sent me some great sites for kids, that I have to get around to checking out. I will send your way if I like them.
I guess I should do I quick tour to see what all of you are up to, then jump in the shower and get busy around here. It seems to be a start of a lazy day. Tommy and Paul (hubby) are taking naps as I type….LOL!!
Have a relaxing Sunday!
Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds.
— William Shakespeare