Hello….I hope everyones weekend is going well.  We have been pretty busy as always.  Friday night I worked a bit late, then I came home and we had roast from the crock pot for supper.  I had tried a new recipe for the roast, but I didn’t care for it so I won’t be sharing it………………….

The rest of the evening I babysat Kristi (my neice) and hanged with Tommy.   Both Tommy and Kristi had baths and went to bed on time    Tommy slept until almost 10 o-clock this morning.  That was great since that meant I got to sleep until my alarm went off at 9:00am.  That was so nice…..actually I woke up 10 minutes before the alarm went off.   What is up with that???   It doens’t matter what time I set the alarm for I will wake up right before it many times.  ARGH!!!

I was going to head out shopping for groceries early this morning, but hubby wanted to go with to go to Sam’s and Cub Foods.    So I waited for him to get back from taking Erik to Karate lessons then we headed to Sam’s Club.  ARGH!!!  NEVER, I repeat never go to Sam’s on Saturday afternoon.  The lines were long!!   We got the things we needed there, nothing amazing usually stuff……..staples, you know THE HUGE Bag of Doritos, Fruit Snacks, Juice Boxes…LOL!! Oh yeah and milk and cheese etc….LOL!

Then we were off to Cub Foods ……Stocked up on some sale items and bought all the stuff so I could try out the recipe for Cauliflower Cheese Soup and Biscuits from KImmiesMommie’s Site.  They sound so good!!! 

Tongiht for supper we had Chicken Cordon Bleu Calzones.  I made a triple batch so I will see how these freeze.   I think I will bake them again to reheat them…..not sure. 

Dale and Julie came over this evening.  We played Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.  And of course I WON!!!  *smirk   We made brownies with the kids and had make your own Hot Fudge Brownie Delights.  The kids had plenty of Chocolate!

Well Tommy is fussing in his room, I guess I will get him up and feed him a bit more…he is a bit off schedule since we had some many people over.   Then we are off to bed as we have church in the morning…………………..

0 thoughts on “

  1. Ever make Coke Roast in the crockpot?  It’s one of our favorites.  I’m always looking for other crockpot roast ideas, though, too.  Seems I can get a roast of one type or another on sale almost every week.    The calzones sound awesome.  I would bake to reheat as well.  Thanx for the idea on the flash freezing the french toast.  I did it and we’ll see how the kids like having french toast during the week. 

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