Almost the weekend…………YEAH!!!   Was a short work week since Tommy was sick on Monday and Tuesday, but I am sure wiped out.   ARGH!!  Tonight I had a meeting in Anoka, MN.  Of course I had to drive home in the snow.  We live in MN you would think people would not drive like idiots everytime we get a bit of snow, but they always seem to.   Then when you drive a few miles down the freeway you see that idiot in the ditch.   Sorry, I know it is bad of me, but I can’t help but smirk!   I of course had chance to witness one such idiot tonight on the icy road home.

  Have any of you tried the Five Brother’s Creamy Alfredo sauce??  I am usually not much for purchased sauces, but this was pretty good.   Paul and Josh liked it, and since I was getting home from work late, it was quick.  Just cook some linguine and heat the sauce.   I also baked some bread sticks…………that was supper.    I would take leftovers to work tomorrow, but Paul is coming down to the office to go out for lunch with me.

What a treat!  We haven’t gone out for lunch in ages!  We always go to this little chinese restaurant, “Lucky China”.  The owners are very nice.  We used to go there so regularly that when we walked in they knew what we would want to  eat and drink.   LOL!!!   ALways great service.  They gave me a business card to call them when we were coming so they would put Cashew Chicken on the buffet.   They have the best Cashew Chicken in the TWIN CITIES!!!  Great service and food!  I better stop talking about that, I am making myself hungry!

Tommy was a bit crabby tonight.  He wanted ME to hold him all night, not the Daddy.   I needed to reconcile the checkbook and pay bills, so I did that most of the night with him on my lap.   Ok, been a LONG time since I have had a little one…..Could he be teething????  He is very crabby and biting on EVERYTHING!!  He isn’t even 4 months yet, seems way too young.  I don’t seem to feel anything, but he really wants to bite on the right side all the time. 

Tomorrow, Erik comes for weekend visitation.  I am also babysitting my neice, Kristi since her parents and sibs are going to Veggie Tales Live.   That should be interesting.  My nephew, Nick has been obbsessed with Veggie Tales for a while.  They have back stage passes before the show to go meet the characters.   Nick will have a ton of questions…and I bet he will be flapping his arms and spinning as this will be too much excitment for him.    That is the only time you can really tell he is autistic, when he gets overstimulated or if you talk to him for a bit…LOL!!   I am sure there will be great stories to be told about his experience….I will let ya know. 

Well I think I should head to bed.  Tomorrow I am in the office all day doing paperwork.  WHEW!  And I have a lunch date   So I don’t need to pack a lunch, my dishes are washed, the living room is presentable…..Tommy is in my bed waiting for me….stinker!!   Paul ends up putting Tommy to bed later lately, not sure if he is just still a bit under the weather or what, but definitely attached to me today. 

I always worried that Tommy would not be attached to me since I was the one going to work everyday.  I do make a point of staying home in the morning to get him up and dressed.  He put on his songs and sing and get dressed.  I love that time.   Then in the evening, we do stories, bath and rock for a bit while we listen to Nicollette Larsen CD.   I sure do cherish those moments with him.   I wonder if Dad’s going to work everyday feel as bad as I do as they leave every morning….or maybe it is jsut a hormone thing……

OH YEAH…did any of you watch ER tonight??  ARGH…Mark Green’s baby daughter accidently took some escatasy pills that Rachel (his older daughter) had in her backpack.   Scary!  I can’t imagine the torn feeling one would have when one of your children does something that could possibly kill your other child.   Elizabeth (baby’s mother) was obviously very upset with her stepdaughter Rachel.   I don’t know if I could handle it if Erik did something to hurt Tommy……how do you get over that??   COuld you??????  Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Night all!!!!!!!!!!  Do something fun with your kidlets this weekend!  They are all great!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Wow!  What a busy weekend you have coming up!  Enjoy the Veggie Tales show.  I remember taking Kimberley to Sesame Street Live when she was little and she didn’t want to leave afterwards because she had so much fun. 

    And yes, we’ve tried the Five Brother’s Alfredo sauce too and it’s not bad at all for a quick meal.  If you like Louis Kemp Imitation crab meat, try tossing some of that in for a seafood alfredo.  It’s also good with those little frozen salad shrimp. 

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