Hello……..(YAWN) busy, tiring weekend around here. Friday was pretty mellow. Tommy ended up waking in the middle of the night a number of times, but seemed to go back to sleep ok.
Saturday we were all tired from not sleeping so well. I did manage to finally get the 5 pounds of chicken breast I had in the fridge made into Chicken Nuggets. I have a whole ince cream bucket of them in the freezer now. Festival grocery store has the 3 lb. bags of boneless chicken breast on sale, so I think I will buy some and make a few more chiecken dishes to freeze. I will post the recipe for the nuggets. They are very good and WAY cheaper than buy processed nuggets, not to mention way healthier as they are baked vs. fried.
Saturday was a fairly warm day. We ran to Target to complete a few errands. We never did get to take our walk as it really didn’t get warm enough. We did watch the movie American Pis 2, which was pretty funny.
Saturday night, I ended up staying up a bit too late. Big problem since my sweet baby was up at 1:00 am unable to breathe. He was so congested and coughing. He would wake himself up numerous times. I ended up calling the peds line and they said to suction his nose (been doing that), use saline in his nose, run a humdifier in his room and elevate the head of his crib. We did all that, but he still had trouble sleeping and it is not like he likes getting his nose suctioned. So I was up for the day at 4:00am. I have a feeling I will be up with him again tonight.
He has a Dr appointment tomorrow morning at 9:10. Today we didn’t make it to church since Tommy wasn’t feeling well. I made a interesting Italian pizza, that I will have to share the recipe for that with you too….it has artichoke hearts on it….but is really good.
Well I am off to type up my nuggets recipe for you…………NIGHT!
Poor baby! Hope he’s feeling better and you got some sleep.