I tend to do a type of cooking called OAMC (once a month cooking).  I do cook more often than once a month, but I do freeze meals and do cooking sessions.   My cooking sessions are usually based on a whatever meat is on sale, etc.  OAMC is a great money saver.   It also ensures that even though I work my family has a good nutritious meal.  A great website about OAMC is Deb’s OAMC 101 Site.  The recipe below is actually a recipe I adapted a bit to my family from her chicken plan.  She uses whole wheat flour which my family doesn’t care for.   My hubby doesn’t care for purchased nor McDonald’s nuggets, but he loves these.


Jens Seasoned Chicken Nuggets


·  3 lb. chicken — deboned and skinned

·  3/4 cup flour

·  3 teaspoon parsley flakes

·  1-1/2 teaspoon tarragon

·  1-1/2 teaspoon sage

·  3/4 teaspoon salt

·  3 dash pepper

·  3 egg beaten OR 1/4 cup egg substitute

·  6 tablespoons milk

·  3 cup bread crumbs

Rinse chicken and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the pieces in 1 inch pieces. Combine the flour, parsley, seasonings thoroughly and put in a small plastic bag.
Add chicken pieces, a few at a time to flour mixture. Close bag and shake pieces to coat them.

Combine milk and egg in a small bowl. Put bread crumbs in another bowl. Dip the flour coated pieces, 1/4 at a time, in the egg/milk mixture and then roll them in the crumbs.

Place coated chicken pieces in a single layer on a large ungreased baking sheet. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10 – 12 minutes until pieces are no longer pink and the juice runs clear.


FREEZE: on clean baking sheet. Remove to a freezer bag when frozen. SERVING: Remove what is needed and nuke for 30 seconds or bake at 400 for 5 minutes. YIELD: Gallon Ice Cream Bucket of Nuggets. 

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