Tommy’s 2 Month Dr. Appointment
Today Tommy had his well baby Doctor visit since he is 2 months old. He did ok, and I did alright surprisely too! He had to get three shots. He was suppose to get 4 shots, but they were out of one of the vaccines. He screamed for the shots!! And I didn’t even cry, but was close to it
He was very happy this morning so he gurgled (a gooo) and smiled while the nurses measured him. He weighs 13 1/2 pounds. His length is 24 inches. Both his height and weight put him in the 90% percentile. He is a big boy His head circumrance is 40cm (50%) which is good.
The Dr said that I can begin giving Tommy cereal when he consistently drinks 40 or more ounces a day. So we are going to start measuring how much he eats a day. I think he is eating about 36 ounces a day, I’m not exactly sure. I didn’t track it on a per day basis. He does eat between 4-6 ounces each feeding though.
Tommy is developing well, he is holding his head well and is very strong the Dr said. He is not yet pushing up with his arms when on his tummy, but he hates to be on his tummy so I don’t put him there everyday. So I will make a point of putting him on his tummy daily now. He does lift his head when on his tummy though.
So we lived through the first set of shots. Tommy is sleeping now, I gave him some tylenol and he seems fine. More shots when he is 4 months old.