BUSY, BUSY, Busy…………

Whoa…..where has the time gone.   It has been few days since I posted.  I used to be able to post over my lunch break at work, but now they changed the Internet rules…….ARGH.  

Yep, I am back to work.  ARGH…..you would think I was gone for a year or at least the amount of work I have to get done by the end of the month seems like it should take a year.    Plans, plans, and budgets for the new year everywhere I look.   The office it all decorated by our various secret santas.   That is always alot of fun.  I know who a few of them are, but have no clue on who mine could be.   But I *do know it is not Exclamation…………….

(Ok, I am going to remember to save this piece of work periodically as last night I typed a long post and lost it   when my computer locked up)

What have I been doing with my time??????  Well let me tell you.   I returned to work on Thursday of last week, so that eats up some of my time.   

The weekend was a low kid weekend meaning we only have Tommy home with us as the other two children are with our ex’s.   It was a very busy weekend that is for sure.  Let me see if I can remember what we did.   Saturday I spent the day cooking and cleaning.   Our neighbor gave us 10 lbs of ham, Canadian bacon and meatballs.  Also 5 pds cheese and pizza sauce.  So we had a mini cooking session on Saturday, plus I watched my niece and nephew for some reason.

I like to keep our freezer stocked with meals, that way I have meals to pull out during the week when I work later.  This type of cooking is called many things, freezer cooking, Once A Month Cooking, etc.  Though I can’t cook for a whole month.  That is too much for me!!  This is a cheaper too….I tend to be pretty thrifty, drives hubby nuts.   So here is what I accomplished during my mini cooking session on Saturday with my hubby. 

Saturday we cut up 1/2 of the ham for lunch meat and with the rest we made 4 pans of scalloped potatoes and ham and a huge kettle of split pea soup.    We made 30 meatball subs.   The Canadian bacon is sliced and frozen.  I will use that to make breakfast sandwiches after the holidays.   So that was Saturday’s cooking adventure.  We took over a meal of each to my in-laws.  They live in senior housing complex in the next town over. 

Sunday we got up and went to church as usual.   Then I put  a Turkey in the oven as it was taking up too much room in our ever filling freezer.  You won’t believe how many meals you can get out of one turkey.   I made 2 pans of turkey divan, 4 nine inch Turkey Pot Pies and a big kettle of Turkey Soup.   Argh….that is enough cooking sessions until after the holidays.   I just finished up the Turkey session tonight by making the Pot Pies.  My in-laws will be over on Sunday and I have three more meals for them.   They will like that.  

After the holidays I have to cook up the 6 bags of chicken breasts I have in the freezer.  Good thing, hubby and I love to cook together.    If I didn’t cook this way on the weekends, my family would be eating out of a can all week as I don’t have time to make a real supper every night.    This may seem like a lot of work, but it saves huge amounts of time and money for us. 

This weekend my parents and brother and sister-in-law are coming to visit.   Tommy is getting baptized on Sunday.   They will be getting here on Saturday and staying through Monday.   So I have alot of meals to make for them too………..I have that all planned out, just have to get to the grocery store.  There should be about 20 or so of us here to celebrate Tommy’s baptism. 

SO I am not going into the office on Monday, but of course I brought work home to do.  Tuesday, back to work and I am having a party at our house that evening.  A cookie Exchange party with 6 girlfriends.  And yep, you right I haven’t made any cookies yet.  Hmmmm…when will I fit that in?????  Friday night, maybe???

The rest of the week looks normal……same old, same old.  Then On the next Saturday we are having Xmas with my hubby’s side of the family at our house.  Should be around 20 of us or more.   Good thing that is potluck, everyone helps out on that one.  

Sunday morning  we are leaving to go to South Dakota to my parents for the holidays.  WHEW…………then I can relax a bit.   We will be there until Wednesday.   What a busy, busy time for us!

I have been getting Xmas cards in the mail, but don’;t have mine done yet………..

Well I am off to bed, I have to be up early and to the Dr’s office for a fasting glucose tolerance test.  I am being rechecked to make sure I am no longer diabetic after the pregnancy.   It is a three hour test so I will take paperwork with me to do…………yep you guessed it…Plans, plans and budgets………………………..LOL!!!  (only Exclamation gets my frustration with the plans)  BTW can paperwork reproduce when you close a manila folder???  Who needs birth control, I need paperwork control!

Night….seems like baby is asleep for the night.  I better get there myself….not bad it is before midnight!!!  Good boy, Tommy!

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