It is true….my maternity leave is over . Don’t get me wrong I like my job, but it can be a bit overwhelming at time. I returned to a desk piled full of mail to go through, a full email box and phone messages and notes to take care of. I returned to work on Thursday. I think this was the best way to do it, I spent Thursday and Friday just digging out so to speak.
Now I feel a bit more able to face it all on Monday and get busy with some real work . I of course had to put pictures on Tommy up to look at during the day. I really did miss him alot. People would ask me how it was and I would have to tell them it was fine, no big deal, otherwise I would cry. But Tommy was home with Daddy and that is good.
Everyone at my work place is very understanding and kind. We won’t even go in to how Tommy slept the night before my first day back to work………..Gee thanks Tommy!
I have all our decorations all done, which is nice since my family is coming in two weeks for Tommy’s baptism. I returned to work in time for the Secret Santa Festivities. That is always fun. It made being back at work a bit more tolerable. My secret santa has been fun so far, they have decorated my cude, left me some candy, a xmas tree pin, and a ball with a snowman in it. I have no clue who my secret santa could be.
BABY SLEEPING????!!!!!!!
Tommy sleeping…..well yes, but only on his schedule which does NOT coorespond to mine. Wednesday night before I returned to work, he was in rare form. He stayed up fussing and screaming from 9:00pm to 3:30am. ARGH!! I finally put him in the swing and slept on the living room floor.
Last night I said forget this and I put him in the swing and slept on the couch until his 2:00am feeding at which time he allowed me to put him in his crib and I could go to my bed.
Tonight, he is still up and it is about 11:30. I am going to finish up this entry and go to bed myself.
Thursday I had my 6-week Dr’s appointment, which went jsut fine. I have to go in next Friday and have a gloucose tolerance test ran to make sure I am no longer diabetic. Hubby had his physical today and all was fine. He hadn’t had one since getting out of the army like 10 years ago. What is it with men and going to Dr’s or Dentists????????????
Well I am off to bed, busy day tomorrow…(better make a list tonight before I go to bed). I am so list anal………:)
speaking of Secret Santa’s….did I catch you being ever so sly???????????:)))))))))
BTW-we men are proud of our physicality and it takes us a while to let go of our youthful ‘invincibility’… aches or pains….well then, no doctors…..
prevention? heck, I feel good….what’s the big deal…
I’m learning the benefits of ongoing feedback medically and maybe even a *shocked he’s saying this* annual physical!!!!! *secretly saying ‘eee gads’ to self*
Hmm, I just posted props to you, but they didn’t make it to your site
I just wanted to say you are Superwoman! I can’t believe you are back at work already, and on so little sleep. I wish you more sleep, good health, and the continued support of your co-workers (it sounds, at least, like you have that, thankfully).
You know I empathize with the sleep thing! But look on the bright side–at least Tommy is sleeping in his cradle now (from 2 a.m. on), right?
Good luck to you!
(((hugs))) for your having to go back to work already!
Don’t forget to get some rest in when you can…. heading off back to work and coming home to the family deeds too is exausting and very taxing on a person.. don’t let yourself get run down!