Just got back from church. We met with Pastor Marlyn about having Tommy baptized. We seem to have it all set up for December 16th. He told us about a program they have a church similiar to ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) in the school system but has a Christian component. The next session starts in January and they have room in the 0-2 classroom. So we will be going to that with Tommy I think.

The best part of this is that it was Paul who said he would like to go as he would like to be more involved in our church. We attend church every Sunday but that is about it. This makes me smile as in my first marriage I couldn’t even get my first hubby to go to church or be involved with the kids, etc. Paul and I are so much what I would call live partners. We handle and live our lives together. We attend things with the kids together………both learning and teaching our children together. I can’t think of anyone I would rather share these things with.

Tommy is napping in his crib, I have started another load of laundry and have Erik’s socks soaking in bleach. Erik my middle child, age 9 always walks outside in his socks…………so they need a good cleaning. Then I think I will finish dusting and sweeping my bedroom and figure out what to have for lunch. I have time until 2:00 to get things done around here, then I have to get Tommy up and keep him up. I have been getting him up at 2:00 since that is the only time I can stomach daytime TV. I will watch the OtherHalf and Rosie O’Donnell that is all I watch during the day besides the news……..otherwise I jsut have the radio on as daytime TV to me is a punishment…LOL!! I am not a big soap opera person, though my sister-in-laws are as is my mom.

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