You have to know it is a good morning if I am up and functioning these days by 8:30.  Of course I am not dressed or showered yet, but that is right around the corner.

How was my night of sleep you ask……………..well it involved sleep!    Last night when I logged off at 11:45, I headed to bed and of course right on cue, Tommy started crying.  Hubby was making a bottle and I decided to feed Tommy in his nursery.   We got him changed, and sat in the rocking chair and fed him his bottle.   He fell asleep after only a little over 3 ounces.  I decided to be kooky and put him down in his crib.  Ok, I know I try laying him in the crib every night, but you can’t just give up.  

I crawl in to bed with hubby and tell him we can snuggle for 10 minutes before Tommy realizes he is in his crib.  10 minutes pass and no screaming Tommy….well gee, I am going to go to sleep.   I might even get a few minutes sleep without my little man sleeping in my arms.   I awake at about 2:00am to realize Tommy hasn’t cried yet…………..ok, now all the weird thoughts go through my head.  Could he be dead???   He never sleeps in his crib??  Should I go check on him, but his door squeaks so much?   

I crank the baby monitor and I can hear him breathing…ok..he must be ok.   I drift back off to sleep until 3:00 when he awakes to be fed.  OK, this is good, he has slept in his crib.  I am amazed.  So I go in the nursery and feed him again and believe it or not, he lets me lay him down in the crib again!!!

I am soooooo happy and have had the best night sleep in weeks.  TOMMY slept in his crib all night until 6:30 this morning Then I brought him into my bed as he wouldn’t lay down in his crib.     I hope this is a continual trend!!!    There is hope!    I think it is that Tommy didn’t want to let mspolyglot’s little boy show him up……………LOL!!!! 

Mspolyglot, sorry to hear your little one cried alot last night….it seems to go in cycles….one night good and the next night terrible.   I shudder to think of what tonight will be like 🙂

Well I am off to shower.  We have to be at church at 10:30 to discuss the arrangements to get Tommy baptized next month.  Talk at you later! 

3 thoughts on “

  1. Yippee!

    I remember the first night my daughter slept through the night!  It was also the first night she slept in her crib.  We did a little happy jig all over the house after we had raced into her room to make sure she was still breathing.  LOL!  It’s hard to believe that was just a year ago!

    They grow sooooo fast!

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