It is Wednesday isn’t it??? I swear since I am home I am constantly losing track of what day it is. The last two days have been a bit trying with our little guy. He is right back into having his days and nights mixed up. ARGH!!!! How do I change this around already, I have to go back to work on December 6th.
Monday night wasn’t too bad, but I got up at 7:00am with him and was just exhausted so my hubby told me to lay down for a bit and he would watch the baby. I laid down and napped and woke up to my hubby, Paul, asking me if I wanted to get up. I asked him what time it was and he said………..are you ready for this 2:30pm. Wow….I must have been tired!!!
It is a good thing that I had this incredible nap on Tuesday morning as last night was a very little sleep night. Tommy didn’t fall asleep until 3:00am….he was wide awake from like 10:00 to 3:00am. Finally he fell asleep and slept until 6:30 and then was up again at 9:30.
He is of course napping again now. I will have to be mean to him again today and make sure he doesn’t get to sleep very much. The weird thing is that during the day when he sleeps is entirely dead to the world…..you can touch him and he never stirs, at night the slightest jostling and he is wide awake. This really leads to me thinking he has his nights and days switched…..oh but how to change them…………nothing seems to work for long.
Well I am going to jump into the shower while he is having his morning nap. Than I am going to get him up and play with him so he stays awake.
Needless to say I am hardly getting anything done as I am sooo tired during the daytime hours. I did get to look through two magazines last night…”Taste of Home and Quick Cooking” and found some great recipes to try this month. I love cook!
BTW – mspolyglot’s baby is sleeping in a cradle…..I am soooo jealous!!