The sweetness of a little boy’s heart……..

Some days I am totally blown away by our children’s hearts!!  Our sons are such kind, sweet boys/men.   We have had a long weekend with the wedding of our oldest son, Joshua.   I am driving home from Josh’s house after making food and cleaning up after the gift opening event.  Our youngest son, Tommy is sitting in the back seat.   I am tired and just can’t wait to get home to take a nap.

Tommy says to me “Mom, can we go to Grandma’s grave?”  I tell him not right now, I am too tired, and that I will take him later.   He is quiet for a minute and says, “I wanted to put these flowers from Josh’s wedding on Grandma’s grave since she didn’t get to be there!”.  

As my heart melts, I turn the van and head to Grandma’s gravesite.  


Grandma, we wish you would have been with us to see the marriage of your grandson.   Your youngest grandson’s thoughts were of you.  Forever in our hearts…….

I am so blessed to witness the sweetness of my young son’s heart.  Children are such a blessing.

Many Blessings,

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