Library Loot: July 31, 2010


 July 31, 2010

Library Loot Event is a weekly event hosted by Eva at A Striped Armchair and Claire from The Captive Reader.  This weekly event encourages bloggers to share the books they have checked out from the library. I always find many new books to add to my reserve list!

I recently purchased a Kindle, but am still going to the library weekly to supplement my reading material. 


The following book found their way home with me from our local Library:

The Privileges – Jonathan Dee

Not Ready for Mom Jeans – Maureen Lipinski

Grill It – Chris Schlensinger and John Willoughby

The $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook – Erin Chase (blooger at – I have read for years)

Blue Nude – Elizabeth Rosner

Look Again – Lisa Scottoline

Twelve Rooms with a View – Theresa Rebeck

Downloaded from

Monkeewrench – P J Tracy

Finished and Returned to the Library this week:

The Good Wife – Stewart O’Nan

Day after Night  – Anita Diamant

Happy Reading!!

Jen C

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