Menu Plan Monday: July 19th – 24th


July 19th – July 24th

We are having the best summer.  Hubby and I have been trying alot of new things on the grill and enjoying the variety.  Last night we tried Grilled Wild Alaskan Salmon and really liked that!   I discovered a new menu planning site that I signed up for the summer.  It is called, it has a menu focus on recipe with ingredients that can be purchased at Aldi.   I am trying that menu currently.   Next week will be the first week we will be trying this menu service. 

Monday – Brats / Beans /Potato Salad

Tuesday –  Chicken Pesto / Glazed Carrots

Wednesday-  Beans and Franks/ Mom’s Mac and Cheese

Thursday- (Book Group) – Spaghetti

Friday- French Dip Sandwiches/ Chips and Dip

Saturday- Tacos

Sunday –  Slow Cooked Ham  Mac and Cheese/ Carrots

For more Menu Planning inspiration stop by and visit Laura at Organizing Junkie and participate in Menu Plan Monday.  Weekly over 400 bloggers share what they have on their menu. 


Happy Eating!!

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