Grocery Totals…..

Last week, I had my hubby and children go grocery shopping for me as I had a Dr appointment I had forgotten about.   I had my list all ready so I was able to send them off to shop for me with a plan.   They did a great job!   Hubby even spent $27.63 on some nice steaks for my birthday and still was within budget!  

Grocery Total from 1/18/10

Aldi – 55.12

Festival – 16.70

Sam’s Club – 79.21

Total Spent:  151.02 / 2 = 75.51 per week to feed 6-7 people each day

I have been making sure that my meal planning has focused on using meat I already had on hand.  This has been a real money saving Technic.  

 I have mixed up a casserole for supper tonight and now it is time to ge to work. 

Have a great day!

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