Menu Plan Monday – June 22nd



Menu Plan For
June 14th – July 2nd 

Thanks to Laura at I’m an Organizing Junkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday. Go and check out more great menus!   Menu planning will help you have more time with your family and enjoy your summer. 

Sunday, 21st – Grilled Honey Balsamic Chicken, Corn, Rice A Roni  (add to Website)

Monday – 22nd – Sloppy Joes (crockpot) chip and dip

Tues – 23rd – Lasagna Roll Ups/ Garlic Bread  (Add to Website)

Wed – 24th – Crockpot Cowboy Stew, Savory Mexican Cornbread ( not great)

Thurs – 25th – (book Group) Frozen Meal – Chicken Alfredo

Fri – 26th – Hamburgers, Curly Fries

Sat – 27thGrilled Honey Mustard Pork Chops, Pasta Salad, Carrots. 

Sun – 28th – Two Sticky Chicken, Mashed Potato, Veggie 

Mon – 29th- Tater Tot Hot Dish

Tues – 30th – Chicken Parmesan Burgers,(double for my family) Fries, Veggie

Wed – July 1st – Frozen Meal – Spaghetti

Thursday – July 2nd – Teriyaki Chicken Over Rice (Crock Pot 4 to 5 hrs) *Taste of Home Simple & Delicious  July/August 2009 – pg 19

Friday – Leaving on Vacation!!!!  Vacation Menu plan to follow.  We rented a house so I will be making all our meals to save a bit of money.   I will be cooking for at least 8 of us each day, plus guests that stop by. 

Blessings !!

0 thoughts on “Menu Plan Monday – June 22nd

  1. HI Janeen! I’m borrowing ideas from your site and menu planning a day early! I plan to order Tuition Bucks scrip cards tomorrow! I’m wondering where on your site it says how much you spend on groceries? I want to try and stick to a budget and really have no idea what’s reasonable for a family of 6. For this 1st round of planning, I spent $140 between Cub and Aldi. But we’ve also eaten out a couple of times. Once I get meal planning/ordering scrips into my routine, I’d love some tips on how to clean on a regular basis. I am ashamed to be even asking you this! After 15 years of marriage, you’d think I’d have it down! I used to, up until 5 years ago when my Mom died and I lost my motivation. Then I started working PT, 4 years ago. This is the summer to get us organized! Thanks for your encouragement! I think we should get together at Jimmy’s or just anywhere, on a regular basis!

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