0 thoughts on “Who Needs a Flash…..

  1. Wow that looks like FUN! Everyone at my house is sick. I ranted on xanga the other day about us trying to find foods that will keep hubby well. It is difficult here. I don’t know what it is like in MN but here you have to drive too far to get organic food and then drive somewhere else to get wheat-free, glutten-free, dairy-free stuff… if you are ever lucky enough to find somewhere that has anything. We are just starting this again (tried a while back for ds but it didn’t stick) so I’m floundering and feeling guilty for not know what and how to feed my dh. It bites! I hope you and your family have been doing well. You guys sure look good

  2. @happylittle – since I live in the metro area I can get most things, but struggle with food anyways.   Everyone else in my family can eat what they want.   Not me, I have been struggling alot with stomach troubles.   I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and will have a colonoscopy next week to rule out Crohn’s disease.  I need to follow a dairy-free and low insoluble fiber diet.   I am really struggling with it.  I like to eat the things I should too much!!  

  3. Maker’s Diet and supplements and I also got “Nourishing Traditions” which is a cookbook that goes back to the traditional way people used to cook and not the hype that goes around these days. I bought James some supplements today. Staying away from grains, gluten, dairy, and nuts is the main thing right now and getting the good stuff back in. I have found a fabulous probiotic. If you are interested I can let  you know what I’m trying for now. It can be very confusing. Basically we have two different juices for the digestive tract and I’m trying to get him to use juices in general, esp since he cannot handle too much of the fiber in the fruits and veggies, he can get the vitamins he needs in juice form. Some aren’t too tasty, but they are very beneficial and can be downed pretty quickly and cheaply. BTW, sorry I jumped right in there. I want you to know that I truly feel for you since I have seen how much pain this has caused James. I’m also thinking that your health issues along the way could have been made worse by having a weak immune system due to this undiagnosed issue. Plus the antibiotics along the way perpetuating the main problem as well. I’m praying you don’t have Chron’s, but know that you are not alone and there are many people who have been  helped through diet. You cannot depend on the meds to keep flareups from happening, in this instance you have to be proactive to stay well. Blessings to you! Happy Mother’s Day!!

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