Bummer…once again I did not have a waste free 2 weeks. I am getting better and knowing that I need to post what I have wasted, holds me accountable. This is my second week particpating in The Frugal Girl’s Food Waste Fridays. Below you will find what I wasted during the last two weeks.
- Flavored spread for my bagels. This was hidden in the back of my fridge and a new one had already been opened and was 1/2 used.
- Left Over Chicken Noodle Soup
- French Onion Chip Dip – also hidden in the back of the firdge – about 2 TBS left.
- Chilli – this one is all my fault. I madea double batch of chilli and was going to freeze the leftovers, but didn’t get around to it.
- I would have some bananas, but I am going to make some banana bread!!
I usually clean out the fridge before getting groceries so I only post food waste every two weeks.
Hey that Food Waste Fridays is a good idea. You did not do too bad.
Suggestion: Little dabs of dip, etc. Add it to a casserole. Same thing with the cream cheese if it is still OK to use (not blue/green) and the flavor would work OK.