It is a Bit Chilly……

I am so happy to report that it is 11 degrees below zero and my house is toasty warm.  In the 11 years of living in this house, it has NEVER been this warm.  I now know for sure that the new windows and doors were a very good investment.   The work crew is not here yet, but are suppose to be here to finish up today.  

I am off to work and hopefully can get home a little earlier.  Last night I got caught in the rush hour with snow and it took me over an hour to get home.  YUCK!!  My last meeting of the day is in Hastings, so it will still be a bit of a trek to get home.

Well I think I am going to brush my teeth and head to work.  Have a toasty warm day!!!

3 thoughts on “It is a Bit Chilly……

  1. I had new windows installed in our first (small) house and loved them. This house is the “house of windows” and will cost a fortune, but I’m still praying for favor from God and the funds to appear. I can’t imagine what windows for the whole house would cost.

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