Pantry Challenge….

I almost slept through the night!   I am still tired waking up, but at least I have gotten some sleep.   I want to get alot done around the house this weekend.   I am going to shower and get ready for soccer.  I will work on menu until it is time for soccer. 

In an effort to save some money, I am going to do a pantry challenge this week.  I am going to make a 2 week menu, but try to use up most of the meat in our freezer.   That does mean that the next shoping time I will need alot of meat, but that is ok.  I will save the left over money.  I just have to make sure there is left over. 

Time to shower and get ready for soccer.  It is cold and wet…soccer should be fun

Jen C 

8 thoughts on “Pantry Challenge….

  1. Good luck on your menu challenge.  That’s what I’ve been doing here.  This past week I had to pick up cream of mushroom soup and hot dog buns.  For next week I just need to pick up some fresh produce and bread.

    You’re right though, when I’m done my freezer may be a bit bare.  But in the big picture I’m saving some money somewhere.

  2. Good luck on your menu challenge.  That’s what I’ve been doing here.  This past week I had to pick up cream of mushroom soup and hot dog buns.  For next week I just need to pick up some fresh produce and bread.

    You’re right though, when I’m done my freezer may be a bit bare.  But in the big picture I’m saving some money somewhere.

  3. We’re redoing recipes and trying to use less meat, which means more casserole types of meals. Unfortunately, we are HUGE meat eaters and it DOES cost.

    Well . . . what exactly DOESN’T cost, these days???LOL!!!

  4. We’re redoing recipes and trying to use less meat, which means more casserole types of meals. Unfortunately, we are HUGE meat eaters and it DOES cost.

    Well . . . what exactly DOESN’T cost, these days???LOL!!!

  5. @cherylyn_p – You know where I really see the increase in price???  CHEESE!!  We eat alot of cheese and it is really expensive right now.  I think it is even expensive at Aldi where I always buy it.   I also am using less meat.  I will use 3/4 of a pound instead of 1lb. etc.   It all helps.  I am also trying hard to use what we have in the cupboards and freezer.  

    Hope your having a good weekend!

  6. @cherylyn_p – You know where I really see the increase in price???  CHEESE!!  We eat alot of cheese and it is really expensive right now.  I think it is even expensive at Aldi where I always buy it.   I also am using less meat.  I will use 3/4 of a pound instead of 1lb. etc.   It all helps.  I am also trying hard to use what we have in the cupboards and freezer.  

    Hope your having a good weekend!

  7. I hear you! I usually buy the Great Value Wal-Mart brand and noticed that Kraft was a dime more. So, I bought the Kraft AND it was individually wrapped slices, instead of stuck together.

    When I shopped with Stephanie, last Monday morning, I HAD to buy Kraft brand grated cheese because GV doesn’t make Sharp Grated (grated cheese is the same cost as cheese in a block). I buy two one-pound bags attached to each other. I just “threw it” in my cart without looking at the price. Then I almost “threw up” when I saw almost $10 on the scanner as she slid the cheese across it and into my sack!

    You’re right about milk products being sky high right now.

    And here I was trying to save on meat by making chicken corn chowder soup or potato soup – both milk based. I’m not sure steak wouldn’t be a cheaper route!!! LOL

  8. I hear you! I usually buy the Great Value Wal-Mart brand and noticed that Kraft was a dime more. So, I bought the Kraft AND it was individually wrapped slices, instead of stuck together.

    When I shopped with Stephanie, last Monday morning, I HAD to buy Kraft brand grated cheese because GV doesn’t make Sharp Grated (grated cheese is the same cost as cheese in a block). I buy two one-pound bags attached to each other. I just “threw it” in my cart without looking at the price. Then I almost “threw up” when I saw almost $10 on the scanner as she slid the cheese across it and into my sack!

    You’re right about milk products being sky high right now.

    And here I was trying to save on meat by making chicken corn chowder soup or potato soup – both milk based. I’m not sure steak wouldn’t be a cheaper route!!! LOL

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