Good Morning!!   I am so tired this morning, but need to get moving here and get ready for work.  I worked 14 hours yesterday trying to get things taken care of at work so I can go on vacation!!!    Today is the last full day I will be working.   I have to go in for a meeting in the morning tomorrow, but then I am on vacation.   I have not packed a single thing and I have laundry to do!!  

I hope to get started on packing and laundry tonight depending on how late I work.   Tommy and I are leaving on Thursday morning to go to South Dakota.  We will be spending time with my parents and family.  We so rarely get time with them so we are staying there until July 14th!   I am looking forward to a nice relaxing time with my youngest son and my parents.   My mom has alot planned for us to do already.   I hope I can take Tommy bowling and maybe roller skating.  I haven’t roller skated in many, many years though!  That might be scary!!!  

Well off to shower and get ready for work.   Ashleigh will be here soon to hang out with Erik while we are at  work.  Hope you are all having a wonderful week!!

One thought on “TUESDAY……

  1. Good Morning…..Hope you have a good trip visiting your parents in South Dakota. I have a friend who wants to take me to Minot, N. Dakota. I would like to go really bad. But I wouldn’t have my children with me……..

    God Bless You!

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