I wanted to share some interesting sites I have been checking out this weekend.   I had used a different site to list my TBR list.  I found a new site that meets my needs so much better.  The site is called Shelfari. On this site you can list books you are reading, have read and own, etc.  So you can set up your books on different shelves.  You can take a look my shelves as well.  I have 135 books on my self right now.  I hope to get it down to 100 books by the end of 2009.   The hard part about that will be that I can’t add to my shelf! 

Book Club Girl – sharing great book, news and tips with book club girls around the world. 

Book Club Girl – Online Radio Show – Interviews Authors and Book Clubs

3 Chicks on Lit – Radio Show – Fun, Hip Literary Hour


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