Mom’s Get Away…..

I am heading out for my get away and conference in Duluth today!  YEAH!!   I have a number of things to do around here before I can leave.  I hope to be on the road listening to my book on CD by noon!   I can’t wait to have some free time.  I will finally get caught up on all your blogs!!    So I am sure I will be stopping by your blogs this weekend.  


Supper in Crockpot
Pay Bills
Clean behind Furnance (repair guy coming today)
Pack my stuff
Stop at Grocery Store
Go to Bank
Pack Erik’s meds for the weekend
TOmmy’s Read-a thon

Mom has hit the road……………………………..Happy Adventures!

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Mom’s Get Away…..

I am heading out for my get away and conference in Duluth today!  YEAH!!   I have a number of things to do around here before I can leave.  I hope to be on the road listening to my book on CD by noon!   I can’t wait to have some free time.  I will finally get caught up on all your blogs!!    So I am sure I will be stopping by your blogs this weekend.  


Supper in Crockpot
Pay Bills
Clean behind Furnance (repair guy coming today)
Pack my stuff
Stop at Grocery Store
Go to Bank
Pack Erik’s meds for the weekend
TOmmy’s Read-a thon

Mom has hit the road……………………………..Happy Adventures!

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