My Night…..

Well tonight did not go as planned.   Such is life, it all worked ok I guess.   Erik was picked up my his mother for Alpha class at church.  I have been struggling with my breathing all day and called the Dr and the pulmonoligt to get additional directions for my care.   I was able to get an emergency appointment with someone at the St Paul Lung Clinic, but not my Dr. for tomorrow afternoon. 

Well I wasn’t able to wait that long after a prolonged period of coughing and unable to get it under controlled.  I had to go to the ER.  The worse experience I have ever had at the ER.  The nurse who worked with me was rude and actually made me cry.   I am a nice patient…I say please and thank you for everything and try to help as I can. 

Well it is 12:26 and we are home……..I am going to send an email to my work and head to bed.  Have a great night.


7 thoughts on “My Night…..

  1. I am sorry you got a crappy nurse. Maybe she needs an enema It is bad when you are already sick and under stress, then have to deal with THAT.

    I hope that your asthma is better today. Weather changes and pollen do not help.

  2. I am sorry you got a crappy nurse. Maybe she needs an enema It is bad when you are already sick and under stress, then have to deal with THAT.

    I hope that your asthma is better today. Weather changes and pollen do not help.

  3. Good Morning.

    Sorry you had to deal with that TYPE of nurse. Alot of the nurses here have that attitude. Isn’t that their job is to be compassionate? Hope you are feeling better soon.

    God Bless You.

  4. Please give me that nurses name and number I have a few words for her…being a nurse myself for 20 years she needs to find a new business NOW!!!!! Like in a machine shop or something, not working with sick people, that require compassion, gentleness, understanding….

    I am so sorry that happened…please write a letter of complaint to the hospital, she probably treats all her patients that way, and should not be a nurse!

    Hope you get better soon!!!!

  5. Please give me that nurses name and number I have a few words for her…being a nurse myself for 20 years she needs to find a new business NOW!!!!! Like in a machine shop or something, not working with sick people, that require compassion, gentleness, understanding….

    I am so sorry that happened…please write a letter of complaint to the hospital, she probably treats all her patients that way, and should not be a nurse!

    Hope you get better soon!!!!

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