
Menu for the Weeks of
3/09/08 – 3/17/08

This week we will be having alot of crockpot recipes.  I am working so many hours that by the time I get home I am too tired to cook.  Between working many hours and illness in the home, it seems good meals are not being made.  Hopefully starting in April my work life will calm down and I won’t be working so many hours and weekends.  


SUN -Roast Chicken – Stuffing/Gravy and Corn

MON –  Ravioli Casserole – 3-Cheese Garlic Bread  (Prep/Total Time: 15 Taste of Home S&D – pg 22)


WED – Slow Cooked Beef Stew (Crock Low 6-8 Hours)

THURS – Slow Cooked Pork Chops –  Pasta – Green Beans (Crock Low 6-8 Hours)

FRI – MOVIE NIGHT – Chinese Appetizer Buffet

SAT – Slow Cooker Night: Chicken Delicious (Low 5 Hours)


MON – St Patty’s Day – Slow Cooker Corned Beef  & Cabbage


For more menu plan Monday fun, head on over to Laura’s at I’m an Organizing Junkie!  Save time and money.   You will not believe now easier life is with a bit of planning.  Give it a try, You won’t be sorry!

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