Presidents Day…..

Good Morning!  Today is a government holiday so we all have the day off of work today.   I am choosing to work for the day.  Since Erik is at his mom’s, hubby is home to watch Tommy and all the kids on my caseload are off of school, it is a great day to work.   I have home visits scheduled for all day!   I have home visits scheduled for 10:30, 12:30, 2:00, and 3:30.  After my last homevisit I will make a stop at a group home to do a site monitoring visit and then I will call it a day!   I will take my holiday hours off on a different day when I have to come home early for Erik.  

Hubby, Josh and Tommy will be home today.  I hope they find something fun to do.  I will try and put supper in the crockpot before I leave.

Mistey asked for an update on Josh.  He is doing well.   He is working full-time at the college as a computer lab assistant.   He is a state employee so it is a great job.   He also continues to go to school full-time.  He is able to walk out of the lab and into his classroom.  I am concerned about all the hours he works, etc.  He is pretty tired by the weekend.  He is doing fine in school despite working full time.  He was on the Dean’s list again this last semester.   As for Amy, they broke up.   He is a single guy now and doesn’t seem to interested in dating.   He enjoys his job and is spending alot of time with work.   This weekend he was home most of he weekend.  He went to see his Dad on Saturday and Sunday he spent the day with hubby and I.   I played some guitar hero with him.  He and hubby watched some recorded episodes of Scrubs off the DVR.  

Now that we have a DVR on our cable box, I am actually watching some TV shows.   Tommy and I watch American Idol together.   I also watch Brothers & Sisters and Eli Stone.   This is a huge increase in TV watching for me.   I have the DVR set to record during the week and one the weekend I watch my three shows.   It is actually pretty nice!  Hubby will also watch Eli Stone.   It is a new show that is on it’s third episode.  I started watching it as the MN Autism society sent out a email that the debut episode would focus on a little boy with autism.  Eli was his lawyer and fought the company that made the vaccine that the mother linked to her son’s autism. 

Well I am off to shower and head to work.  Have a great day!!!!

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