My goal for this weekend is to make it through all my filing and paper in the dining room. It is insane the amount of paperwork we have regarding Erik. I am getting his into new larger 3-ring binders. One binder for County Services/CDCS, one for Medical, one for Educational Services and one for our in home staff. I also have to get together all my MIL stuff in a binder for Medical Assistance. I am representative for both my MIL and Erik in regards to the MA stuff, etc.
I went through the entire file cabinet last night while we watched movies. I have a entire garbage bag of paper to be burned already. It is so crazy how much stiff comes into our house each day. I need to get this project done today and then I will make my shopping/grocery list tonight. I plan on getting groceries on Sunday since I don’t have to go into the office on Sunday.
I feel spring cleaning coming on. It is time to give each room a good going over and lighten our load of clutter in our home. This weekend….the dining room. I have some of it done, but will take some pictures later!
Me too.