Happy Saturday…

I decided to get up early this morning so I could get to the grocery store early and beat the crowds.   I was up at 7:00 and started writing my menu and shopping list for the next two weeks.  I was done with that at about 9:00.  I quickly put supper in the crock pot and headed off to get groceries. 

I am finally back on track and will be buying groceries for the next two weeks today.   I picked up my cash and headed to Aldi.  I needed a fair amount of groceries so I did have to use the calculator as I shopped so I didn’t go over budget.  I had only $100 of cash available, 80.00 of that was grocery money and 20 my fun money.   I did pretty well at Aldi.  I spent $84.25 and $5.99 of that was for a sweatshirt for Erik.   So I was just under my $80.00 I budgeted for food at Aldi.   I then ran to Cub Foods to pick up a few things that were on sale.  I bought some Soda, Ragu, Pizzas and brownie mix.   I had a $25.00 gift card for Cub Foods and spent $27.75 there.   So I did pretty good over all. 

I have discovered one thing though.  I had to switch for a few weeks to getting groceries weekly and I spent more money that way.  When I went weekly I would spend about 65 to $70.   My average cost for the two weeks was $53.00 a week.  The less I am in the store the better I guess.  So I am switching back to shopping only every two weeks for groceries so I can save some money. 

I came home and put away the groceries and fed the boys.  Then Hubby and I went to run a few errands.   We went to look for a new toaster.  Tommy and I usually have toast or something every morning.  Since moving to this house in 1995,  we are on our 4th toaster.  I can’t believe that!!!   I am hoping this one lasts a few years.  I keep buying a more expensive one each time thinking it will last longer.  We will see………

Then we mail the bills as I paid bills last night and then headed to the library.   Just our usual Saturday errands.   Since we got out earlier I have some free time until supper, so I am going to curl up in bed and read for a while.  I had to read 8 books for the library reading program and I have two more to read before the end of February.  I think I will actually make it!   I have read alot of good books this year already!   I love the library….what a wonderful place.   Knowledge is free for everyone there…gotta love that!

I almost forgot to mention the best thing of all.  Josh and Tommy stayed at home and when we got home the living room was all cleaned and vacuumed. Tommy also cleaned his room all by himself.   I was so very surprised and happy.   What great boys…..  Now all I have to do is clean up the living room and dining room.  Easy enough!

Have a great day!!!

2 thoughts on “Happy Saturday…

  1. Your posts have been so inspirational for me. I am really starting to use your tips and tricks. I went to Aldi’s today and spent $89.00 for almost 3 weeks of meals. You have really motivated me to plan ahead. Thank you!

  2. Your posts have been so inspirational for me. I am really starting to use your tips and tricks. I went to Aldi’s today and spent $89.00 for almost 3 weeks of meals. You have really motivated me to plan ahead. Thank you!

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