Penny Ann has posted a challenge on her blog. Each day you are to post one thing you did to save money that day. I like the idea of this as it will allow me to think about saving and also see how others save!
Jan. 1st – I had my Christmas money with me at Target. I of course browsed the book selections and was tempted to buy one or two. But instead I came home and reserved both books I wanted to read from the Library. I make sure I keep a pen and notebook in my purse for this reason.
I reserved on CD: Lucky by Alice Sebold and Pillars of the Earth Ken Follett. Always take advantage of reserving book online from your library. I received a MP3 players a few years ago and rip the book to my player and I have hours of FREE listening. This saves me alot of money every year. Just by not buying the two books I wanted I saved over $20.00.
January 2nd – Picked Up my Book on Tape from the Library. I will listen to the Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon for FREE!
Made Supper for my family! The last two weeks while I have been recooperating we have been eating convenience food, fast food or some sort of take out most days! Now that I am walking so much better I am able to stand and make supper for my family. I have a pork roast in the slow cooker for supper. This saves me at least $6.00 as hubby could have picked up burgers off the 99 cents menu again. YUCK!!