Tuesdays usually a hard day for me….but not today! I work late on Monday night like always, but didn’t really get affected from the lack of sleep today. YEAH!!! I had a busy day at work. I had one homevisit and completed two more budgets.
After work I went to the Magnuson Parent Teacher Partnership (MPTP) Meeting. I really like the smallness of the school and the opportunities available to volunteer. So far I have helped at the LADC Bike A Thon. This Sunday I will be assisting in serving brunch at the church. The Kindergarten Classroom will get $100 that we will raise by doing that. In November I signed up to help set up the Scholastic Book Fair.
The school is starting a new fundraiser that I am really excited about! www.shopwithscrip.com The program will be called Magnuson Tuition Buck$ Program. You order gift cards to be used like cash to purchase your everyday items. With every purchase you earn revenue for the school and your child’s tuition. Each vender gives a different % to the school. But we buy our gas each month from SA, they will give 4% back in revenue. Of the revenue collected 45% goes to the school general fund and 45% goes towards my child’s tuition. The last 10% is for program costs. So I will try to purchase our budgeted amount each month with these cards to help with tuition. Hopefully some family members will also jump on the bandwagon and maybe buy all their Christmas Gift Card this way and help pay their *Grandson’s tuition with their purchases!!! I plan on giving alot of gift certificates this year for Christmas so we can benefit from the tuition reduction! Also those family members can save Box Tops and Kemps 5 cents lids for his school too!!! Start clipping mom and Dad!! It is for a good cause.
Tomorrow I have to stay home from work in the morning. This afternoon I was eating some popcorn at work while I was working and I bit down on a unpopped kernel and broke a huge chunk of my molar off. I have to see the dentist tomorrow. Did I mention….I hate and am very fearful of the dentist????
I am off to complete my bible study for church tomorrow….have a great evening!
Our school does scrip! It’s a great way to do fund raisers because its all places that we would normally go anyway so you’re not really being put out by it. So much better than $9 rolls of wrapping paper! lol