Menu Monday

Menu Monday

Monday – July 2ndSummer Sub/Chips & Dip – MADE

Tuesday – July 3rd – Marinated Chicken breast/ Mac & Ham Salad


Fourth of July – Hot Dogs/Hamburgers/ Chips & Dip/ Red – White and Blue Salad/ Holiday Cupcakes – MADE


Thursday – 5th – Leftovers


Friday – 6th Cheeseburger Pie x2/ Fries – MADE


Saturday – 7thBacon, Tomato Grilled Cheese/ Broccoli Salad – MADE


Sunday – 8thGrilled Chicken Parmesan/ Pasta and Veggie


Monday – 9thChicken Salad & Croissants/ Chips & Dip – MADE


Tuesday – 10th – Leftovers


Wednesday – 11th – Leftovers



Are you struggling to figure out what to cook for supper???  Join us in planning our menus each week.  Stop over to Laura’s Blog “Organizing Junkie!” and see what is on all of our menus and find new great recipes to try!!

0 thoughts on “Menu Monday

  1. I love to cook and always love reading your organized menues. I don’t think I am organized enough to do that yet though. Plus our budget is tight enough if I buy a container of something and a recipe only uses half I have am always trying to find a way to make sure I use all of it before it goes bad which often means our meals don’t have a lot of variety. ESPECIALLY when its a 10 pound bag of potatoes that was on sale. It kinda looks like you take some of that into consideration when you all meal plan though.

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