Calling it a Night……

Well I think I will go to sleep.  I just finished another book.   I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying losing myself in books this weekend.  What a guilty pleasure!!!!


Love and Other Impossible Pursuits – Ayelet Waldman (4/5)

Not sure what I will start next…I had stopped at the library before coming here so I have a number of book to chose from!   Good Night!!

2 thoughts on “Calling it a Night……

  1. Saw your site- and that you are a social worker. I am too by training. I am forfitted my degree/occupation to be a stay at home mom and church volunteer. Love your floral picture– looks like heaven.

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Calling it a Night……

Well I think I will go to sleep.  I just finished another book.   I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying losing myself in books this weekend.  What a guilty pleasure!!!!


Love and Other Impossible Pursuits – Ayelet Waldman (4/5)

Not sure what I will start next…I had stopped at the library before coming here so I have a number of book to chose from!   Good Night!!

0 thoughts on “Calling it a Night……

  1. Saw your site- and that you are a social worker. I am too by training. I am forfitted my degree/occupation to be a stay at home mom and church volunteer. Love your floral picture– looks like heaven.

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