A Week in Review…..

I am really having a hard time posting at any regular interval lately.  But usually on Sundays I can get a post in.  Every since I can’t blog form work over lunch, I am unable to carve out the time to do it.  I am going to have to come up with something. 

MONDAY AND TUESDAY – These two days are easy to report on.  I woke up….went to work and returned home from work around 10pm…and went to bed.   Exciting eh???

WEDNESDAY – I tired to get home early to take a nap.  Didn’t work out.  Got home and issues with Erik to deal with so no nap.  I did make supper and laid down in the bed for the rest of the night reading.   My back has really been hurting again.  ARGH!!

THURSDAY I have not been sleeping very well.  Hubby wakes me up with his snoring and I get up and sleep on the couch for the rest of the night.   Not the best quality of sleep and we all know I value my sleep.  I was home before dark on Thursday and we had a really fun supper.

Tommy and I were the only ones home so we set up the Cafe Coyan before everyone got home.   I made some menus the day before.  I laminated them at work.  We then typed up what we had in the fridge for leftovers and Tommy taped that into each menu.   We set the table with candles and everything.  I baked some biscuits and made a salad.   When everyone got home, Tommy took everyones order.  He would write the person’s name on the paper with the menu options he had taped into each menu.  He would also circle what each person wanted and bring it to me….The cook!   I would reheat the chosen leftovers and Tommy would serve them.  It was alot of fun!   Tommy loved it and was so excited.  What a great way to make leftovers fun!!  We will be doing that again.

The rest of the evening was dishes and bed….

FRIDAY – We had an spur of the moment party.  We had both of hubby’s sisters families over.   We had a tacos, burritos and salad.   We played a few games and enjoyed hanging out.  We did have everyone leave around 11:00 as we were pretty tired.  That is very early for us!

SATURDAY – Hubby worked all day.  He worked from 7:30 until after 4:30.   Tommy and I were home.  In the morning I cut his hair and got our books together for the library.  We then went to the library and Walmart.  Tommy got a Ben-10 toy so he was so happy.  I just felt out of sorts all day.  When hubby got home I went to bed for a few hours.    We had corned beef and cabbage in the crockpot which we had for supper. 

We rented two movies to watch after supper and then headed to bed.   We watched Spy Kids 3 with Tommy and then he went to bed.  We watched Stranger Than Fiction with Josh, Amy and Emma.   I was so ready for bed, but did make it through the movie.  

SUNDAY – I was up around 8:00.  It was nice to sleep in!   Tommy and I headed to church as hubby was tried.  Tommy sang with the Sunday School in church.  He did pretty good and didn’t look too scared.  Hubby was still resting when we got home so I made Tommy some lunch and he went out to play.

Since I was out of sorts yesterday, I have alot to make up today.  I have supper in the crockpot and I need to pay bills, update menus and budget.  I also need to clean up the kitchen and living room.  I will also finish up the 4 loads of laundry I have to get done today.   I am off……check back in later!!

Have a great day!

0 thoughts on “A Week in Review…..

  1. How did you like “Stranger Than Fiction” ?  I loved it and my favorite character was Emma Thomas (I think that is her real name). My friend thought she was creapy…Maybe that is why I could identify with her….Hmmm…..

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A Week in Review…..

I am really having a hard time posting at any regular interval lately.  But usually on Sundays I can get a post in.  Every since I can’t blog form work over lunch, I am unable to carve out the time to do it.  I am going to have to come up with something. 

MONDAY AND TUESDAY – These two days are easy to report on.  I woke up….went to work and returned home from work around 10pm…and went to bed.   Exciting eh???

WEDNESDAY – I tired to get home early to take a nap.  Didn’t work out.  Got home and issues with Erik to deal with so no nap.  I did make supper and laid down in the bed for the rest of the night reading.   My back has really been hurting again.  ARGH!!

THURSDAY I have not been sleeping very well.  Hubby wakes me up with his snoring and I get up and sleep on the couch for the rest of the night.   Not the best quality of sleep and we all know I value my sleep.  I was home before dark on Thursday and we had a really fun supper.

Tommy and I were the only ones home so we set up the Cafe Coyan before everyone got home.   I made some menus the day before.  I laminated them at work.  We then typed up what we had in the fridge for leftovers and Tommy taped that into each menu.   We set the table with candles and everything.  I baked some biscuits and made a salad.   When everyone got home, Tommy took everyones order.  He would write the person’s name on the paper with the menu options he had taped into each menu.  He would also circle what each person wanted and bring it to me….The cook!   I would reheat the chosen leftovers and Tommy would serve them.  It was alot of fun!   Tommy loved it and was so excited.  What a great way to make leftovers fun!!  We will be doing that again.

The rest of the evening was dishes and bed….

FRIDAY – We had an spur of the moment party.  We had both of hubby’s sisters families over.   We had a tacos, burritos and salad.   We played a few games and enjoyed hanging out.  We did have everyone leave around 11:00 as we were pretty tired.  That is very early for us!

SATURDAY – Hubby worked all day.  He worked from 7:30 until after 4:30.   Tommy and I were home.  In the morning I cut his hair and got our books together for the library.  We then went to the library and Walmart.  Tommy got a Ben-10 toy so he was so happy.  I just felt out of sorts all day.  When hubby got home I went to bed for a few hours.    We had corned beef and cabbage in the crockpot which we had for supper. 

We rented two movies to watch after supper and then headed to bed.   We watched Spy Kids 3 with Tommy and then he went to bed.  We watched Stranger Than Fiction with Josh, Amy and Emma.   I was so ready for bed, but did make it through the movie.  

SUNDAY – I was up around 8:00.  It was nice to sleep in!   Tommy and I headed to church as hubby was tried.  Tommy sang with the Sunday School in church.  He did pretty good and didn’t look too scared.  Hubby was still resting when we got home so I made Tommy some lunch and he went out to play.

Since I was out of sorts yesterday, I have alot to make up today.  I have supper in the crockpot and I need to pay bills, update menus and budget.  I also need to clean up the kitchen and living room.  I will also finish up the 4 loads of laundry I have to get done today.   I am off……check back in later!!

Have a great day!

One thought on “A Week in Review…..

  1. How did you like “Stranger Than Fiction” ?  I loved it and my favorite character was Emma Thomas (I think that is her real name). My friend thought she was creapy…Maybe that is why I could identify with her….Hmmm…..

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