
5th- – Beef Stroganoff Over Egg Noodles/Vegetable/Rolls

6th- Baked Chicken Parmesan/ Bakes Pots – 

7th- Hamburger Helper/Vegetable

8th- Easy Pot Roast with Veggies (crock 8-10hrs)

9th- Super Star Subs/Seven Layer Dip

10th- Pork Loin (crock)/Mashed Pots/Vegetable

11th- BRUNCH: Mom’s French Toast/ Scarmabled Eggs/ Bacon
SUPPER:  BBQ Crockpot Chicken on Buns and Curly Fries

If you want to join Menu Plan Monday, stop by Laura’s blog and participate!!! 

Laura mentioned that The Pumpkin Patch is starting a new blog carnival, Tasty Thursday…another great place to find true and tried recipes!!   All these places sure are making my meno planning easier.

Recipes to Try From Pumpkin Patch’s Tasty Thursday :

Garlic Parmesan Chicken

King Ranch Chicken Casserole

Chicken Noodle Bake

Alomond Crusted Chicken

Basil Garlic Mashed Potatoes


0 thoughts on “

  1. You’ve inspired me to try something…the Baked Chicken Parmesian.  I have all the ingredients on hand, so I’m going to make that for tonight.

    I’m going to check out the Menu Plan Monday too.

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