Childhood Favorite….

Tommy, Josh and I made these this evening for a treat!!  The smell alone brings back childhood memories for me.   A favorite from Josh’s childhood is Monkey Bread.  We will be making that tomorrow!  His last babysitter used to make that for him. 



½ Cups Milk

1 – stick of butter

½ cup of cocoa

2 cups sugar

3 cups oatmeal


Combine Milk, Cocoa, and Sugar in sauce pan.  Heat to boil, stir constantly as it scorches easily.  Boil for 3 minutes.


Remove from heat and add oatmeal.  Mix well.  Drop by teaspoon on wax paper until cool. 


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Childhood Favorite….

Tommy, Josh and I made these this evening for a treat!!  The smell alone brings back childhood memories for me.   A favorite from Josh’s childhood is Monkey Bread.  We will be making that tomorrow!  His last babysitter used to make that for him. 



½ Cups Milk

1 – stick of butter

½ cup of cocoa

2 cups sugar

3 cups oatmeal


Combine Milk, Cocoa, and Sugar in sauce pan.  Heat to boil, stir constantly as it scorches easily.  Boil for 3 minutes.


Remove from heat and add oatmeal.  Mix well.  Drop by teaspoon on wax paper until cool. 


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