Hey everyone…..

Well yesterday ended up being a longer day of work than anticipated.  I ended up working 14 hours.  I woke up this morning with such a head ache as I didn’t sleep well last night.   So I am staying home today.  I am taking a sick day.  Actually as my schedule was I was going to end up working about 50 hours this week so now it will only be 42 hours for the week.  So I guess I could sort of afford to stay home today.  But that did mean I had to reschedule one home visit.  I did get up and get the kids off to school and put some supper into the crockpot.  Now I am off to hopefully take a nice long nap.  I am not sure I will make it to church tonight unless this head ache goes away.   I will check in with you all later once I get rid of this head ache.  Off for a mid-day nap…what a luxury!

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