Afternoon Update……

My morning list is all done and I have most of the groceries are put away.   I am going to get busy here and clean up the house.  Since I am not home on Monday or Tuesday night the house get really messy.   It is so overwhelming.  I plan on spending 15 minutes a room and get things in order before the kids are home from school or hubby hme.   Then I want to relax for a bit and read.  

Tonight we have church and then I will spend the evening doing some activities with Tommy.   I found two leap frog cartridges at Once Upon a Child so we might work with those tonight.  

I am off and running….

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Afternoon Update……

My morning list is all done and I have most of the groceries are put away.   I am going to get busy here and clean up the house.  Since I am not home on Monday or Tuesday night the house get really messy.   It is so overwhelming.  I plan on spending 15 minutes a room and get things in order before the kids are home from school or hubby hme.   Then I want to relax for a bit and read.  

Tonight we have church and then I will spend the evening doing some activities with Tommy.   I found two leap frog cartridges at Once Upon a Child so we might work with those tonight.  

I am off and running….

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