Cooking at church was fun and now I have a full freeezer again.  We made Chicken Tetrazzini, Baked Corn, 2 – Pizza pasta Casseroles, Chicken Pot Pie and Chilli.  These will all be things my hubby can cook on nights I am working late.  

Our quiet evening ending as soon as Erik came home.  He got into alot of trouble at his Mom’s over the weekend.   It is amazing how much superivsion he needs.   He is hardly ever out of our sight anymore.   He actually needs more supervision than Tommy, who is only 4.  Tommy and I went to my bedroom and watched a movie since I didn’t want him exposed to his Daddy being so upset and things.  It is upsetting for Tommy since he isn’t used to that being how his home is.  He ended being up way past bedtime last night.  Hopefully he will get a good nap at daycare today. 

I spoke with my SIL and she is willing to keep Erik over the summer again.   This will probably be the last year since, once Tommy starts school she will be done doing daycare.   It is becoming increasingly hard and expensive to find alternative supervison for a 13 year old.  


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