Our morning excitement??   I have spent the morning getting AAA to tow my son’s car out of the ditch.   Big snowfall over the night and he isn’t really that use to driving in it.  They were all ok and the car isn’t damaged.  But they can’t get to them until at the latest 10:16, so he has a long wait.   The other kids were pick up by a parent and are on their way to school. 

Erik…midterm grades came.  Not good at all.  Removed the window in his room and couldn’t put it back on and didn’t tell anyone and it was left off over night/a whole day in this freezing weather!   That should help alot with the heating bill!

Tommy….still has a cough and isn’t feel much better.  

Me…I have to go to work today and tomorrow.  I have 4 either IEP meetings or school visits today all over the cities.  YIKES……drive slow and carefully is my motto for the day.  My breathing is getting worse….just two days of work that MUST get done, then I can be sick if I want.

What more could happen today????  Maybe I shouldn’t ask that out loud!!!

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