Home from errands….now to relax the rest of the day.   We got a ton done, but I was getting crabby towards the end.  I hate to shop and I like to go in and get out…hubby loves to look and look.   I am not a good at waiting either. 


  1. To the Bank to Order checks and get grocery and allowance money.
  2. To Great Clips for hubby and Erik to get haircuts.
  3. Library to return books and pick up more.
  4. Bread Thrift Store for Bread and buns for the week.
  5. Office Max for Christmas Envelopes
  6. Kohls to use my $10.00 coupon.   Bought an under garment that was on sale for 14.99, normally 29.50.  So I paid only 5.  That is more my style.
  7. Old Navy – Bought 3 pairs of pants and 3 shirts for Erik.  They had a good sale too….pants were on sale for 12.99 and 9.99.  Shirts ranged from 2.99 to 5.99 each.  I bought three shirts for Tommy for school next year.   So I ended up with a big bag of clothes for 62.00 and used my $10.00 coupon too.  So a little over 50.00 spent on my every growing Erik and Tommy.    I hope these last longer than 2 months for Erik.   When school started I bought him size 12 clothes and now we are moving up to size 14.  He is having such growing pains in his legs too.  Poor kid.    I remember Josh getting this alot at this age too.
  8. Hallmark – picked out our yearly ornament and a card for Joe’s house warming party tomorrow. 
  9. Fabric store to get some elastic to sew Tommy’s Mittens to and run through his sleeves.   It costs me about 75 cents and we never loose our mittens.  Great money saver!  I sew my kids mittens to a string until they are in Kindergarten or so.  He got a new coat from a friend of mine so I needed to get mittens to match that one too.  We stopped at the pet store to look at the puppies and kitties too.
  10. Home Depot – Gift cert for Joe
  11. Cub Food – Groceries for the week.   Did well on the grocery budget.  I only spent 40.00 for the week.  So that is good. 

Now we’re home and have had our lunch.  Tommy fell asleep on the way home.  Erik has a friend over and they are watching a movie.   Josh is at work.  He just called to say “Hi” during his break.  Hubby is playing on the computer.  Supper is in the crockpot and I am going to curl up in bed and finish my book.   Time to relax for a few hours.   

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