It is Monday again….how does that keep happening?   I had a great weekend.  I really got to relax some and get caught up on chores too.  I finished reading two different books and watched 1-1/2 movies.  I need to finish the one movie tonight so I can return it.  


Today I have to weigh in for Weight Watchers.  I am not sure I did very well, since we did eat out twice this weekend.  But I did get alot of walking in shopping on Friday.  I am working only until 6:30 tonight.  I have a planning meeting at the high school for the graduation party. 


Tuesday – going into work late as Tommy has Preschool

Wednesday – my parents are coming into town.  I hope to get groceries in the morning.   Church in the evening.

Thursday – Grandparents day at preschool.   Tommy is very excited.  Book group in the evening.

Friday – working all day

Saturday – Baking Christmas Cookies at church and puttin on the Community Baby Shower. 

Have a great day!!!


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It is Monday again….how does that keep happening?   I had a great weekend.  I really got to relax some and get caught up on chores too.  I finished reading two different books and watched 1-1/2 movies.  I need to finish the one movie tonight so I can return it.  


Today I have to weigh in for Weight Watchers.  I am not sure I did very well, since we did eat out twice this weekend.  But I did get alot of walking in shopping on Friday.  I am working only until 6:30 tonight.  I have a planning meeting at the high school for the graduation party. 


Tuesday – going into work late as Tommy has Preschool

Wednesday – my parents are coming into town.  I hope to get groceries in the morning.   Church in the evening.

Thursday – Grandparents day at preschool.   Tommy is very excited.  Book group in the evening.

Friday – working all day

Saturday – Baking Christmas Cookies at church and puttin on the Community Baby Shower. 

Have a great day!!!


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