Morning…..The start of a new week…not feeling that rested after the weekend.   We are all feeling a bit under the weather still.  


I went through Tom’s clothes and took out his summer clothes and found his winter clothes.  Of course it is warm today!    We took over three bins of clothes to the twins that Tommy outgrew.  Hopefully they can use some of it.   Tommy has a ton of clothes in size 4 so we are set for the winter.  I will have to start going to garage sales again next year as we are almost out of future sizes of clothes for him.   I will pick things up on clearance here and there and at Once Upon a Child as well.  

We watched the movie Hostage with Josh and Amy while I went through bins of clothes.  Laundry is all caught up and the house is clean.  Great way to start the week!  

Erik came home from his Mom’s and had about an hour of homework to do.    He also had to read for a bit since he is behind in his AR reading tests.   I went through his purple binder and he has a major project in there that the rough draft is due on Tuesday I think it was.   Of course he didn’t start that over the weekend.   So he will be doing 3 to 4 hours of homework all week again.   Then I had to spend the evening answering the massive amount of emails from the teachers last week about Erik in class.   I sure hope this is a better week than last week!


Back to work….busy week at work.   Today I am going out to start updating my budgets for the new year with families.   I have one on Monday, Tuesday I am in Duluth again and Wednesday I have two budgets.  BUSY, BUSY ,BUSY!!   I also have a case I need to transfer to a different social worker.   I will be getting 6 new cases in the next few weeks as well.  Someday I wish I had a different reputation so I wouldn’t get so many requests from intake.   I hate to turn down people that are requesting me personally to work with their family.   I have weight watchers today at work….not thinking I lost , but we will see!    I do so terrible on the weekends!  I do great during the week!

After work I have my special Deliveries meeting at church at 7:00.   So it is a late night again.  


Tomorrow my entire day will be spent going to Duluth.   I have a big meeting up there.   I am not looking forward to it.   I will drop Tom off at preschool and head to Duluth.   Tommy is going on his first field trip.  The preschool is going to the apple orchard.  He is excited about riding the bus!    Thursday he will have his school pictures taken at preschool.   Preschool is a pretty big expense for us, but very very well worth it!   You have to invest in your children when they are young!  It is money well spent that is for sure! 

We are continuing to work on identification  of the letters with Tommy.  He is currently able to do the first 10 with little problems.  He has trouble with G and J.    I will add some more letters this week I think.   Once we have the ID down we will start working on the sounds.   My SIL gave me the whole set of MY “A” Sound book, etc.   He has two more years of preschool before kindergarten, but he is loving learning the letters so we are continuing.  So what if he can read by the time he starts kindergarten.  LOL!!   We need to take advantage of this love of learning he has right now!  I hope to be done with identifying the letters by the new year.  Then in 2006 we will start with learning the sounds.   There is a book called teach your child to read in 100 lessons, that I want to look into for 2007.   Has anybody used this book???  Would you reccomend it??

It is so amazing watching Tommy learning so much.   He is a smart turkey!   My hubby is in awe.   I am not sure if Tommy is on track or a bit ahead.  Erik was delayed and Josh was stubborn.   Either way we will keep teaching him as long as it is fun!  

SUPPER :  Hubby cooking – Hamburger Helper

Off to get ready to leave for work.  Have a great day!!!  


0 thoughts on “

  1. Sounds like you are super busy.  I had the 100 EZ lessons book and I personally hated it although alot of people swear by it.  It just didn’t work with my teaching style or my kids learning style.  Our public library has it so you might want to check your library before you spend the money on buying it.  Just my .02 about it.  I am sure you will find people who really recommend it too!  Have a great day!  ~Jen

  2. Sounds like you are very busy this week, hope everything goes well in all you do.

    I liked the book and both my kids were reading early using that book.  My son at end of age 4 and daughter beginning of age 4.  🙂   Blessings!

  3. Your Tommy sounds like my Brian.  Just keep feeding their appetite for learning.  It’s a GOOD thing if he’s reading by Kindergarten.  Hope your trip to Duluth was uneventful.  Have a great week!

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