I woke up and can’t fall back to sleep so I guess I will blog, what else!  I am sure part of the reason I can’t sleep is I had forgotten to take my predisone so I took it right before bed…..and this is a common side effect I get from the med. 

After school the house was rocking as always.  Josh’s friends came over and were dancing downstairs.   They are so goofy.   A few of them stayed and had supper with us and watched the Stomp video with us before we went to the neighbors.    Josh, Amy, Hubby and I are going to the STOMP production in two weeks.  We went once before a few years ago.  It is a great show!  

Hubby, Tommy and I went to the neighbors for a fish fry.  Her soon to be stepfather, went deep sea fishing in Mexico and caught a Marlin.   So we had grilled Marlin.  It was great!!  YUMMY!!!

We came home around 10:00 and went to bed….so I got a few hours of sleep before I woke up.   Josh just got home from taking everyone home from the football game/dance.  He is off to bed and will be going to his Dad’s tomorrow. 

Not much else too exciting around here…..I guess I will check out a few blog and then go read my book until I get tired!   Or do a bit of midnight cleaning….LOL!!

Good night!

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