Good Morning….


My SIL came over and Kristen and Tommy played for a while.  I did get the dining room table cleaned off, but now it is full of clean clothes again.  I got a few loads of laundry done last night.   I didn’t get to the baking though.    I visited with SIL, did laundry, did dishes and marinated some steaks for supper tonight.  I won’t be home so hubby will be cooking.  

Tommy and I headed to bed around 9:30, a bit later than usual, but I had to wash up the dishes before I could go to bed.

MrsCatherine wrote a nice post yesterday about adding little touches to our outside/entrance.   It inspired me to sweep off our porch and clean up a bit.   I also bought a new welcome mat when we were at home depot.   I hope it is inviting.   It is sort of boring. 


I woke up feeling pretty rested this morning!   I was pretty productive already this morning.   So far this morning I have done the following:

  • Showered and dressed for work

  • Re booted the dryer since the sheets were not dry

  • Baked Banana breakfast bars (recipe below)

  • Got Erik, Tommy and Josh up and moving

  • Wiped down both bathrooms and cleaned mirrors

Today is Tommy’s frist day of Preschool so I will be going into work later.  I have to drop him off at 9:00 and than my hubby will pick him up on his lunch and take him to daycare.  It is nice to go in later twice a week since I can get some things around the house done in the morning hopefully.  I don’t always wake this rested.  

I need to get ot the bank and stop and buy Erik some more flouride rinse for his teeth. 

At work today I am going out to visit a new client so I have to get to the office and review their file.  I will work a little later tonight to make up for going in late.  



  • Tom Preschool

  • Erik – Ortho Appointment


  • Erik’s IEP Meeting

  • Confirmation Orientation


  • Tom Preschool

  • Chiropractor Appoint

  • Erik’s Open House

  • Chore Night


  • Get Groceries after work


No Plans


  • Rally Day At Church

SUPPER – Marinated Steak and Vegetable

GRATITUDE – I am grateful I awoke so rested today!  A good nights sleep makes all the difference.  Tommy didn’t come to our bed until 4:30 am. 


Banana-Oatmeal Breakfast Bars
From Alexandra

1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup soft butter or margarine
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 cup mashed bananas (about 3 medium)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups raw, quick-cooking oats
3/4 cup (total) chopped nuts, raisins, & dates

Preheat oven to 425F. Grease and flour 13×9 inch
baking pan. Sift together: flour, salt, soda, and
spices, set aside. In large bowl, beat until light and
fluffy: butter, sugar, egg. Add bananas and vanilla
beat until smooth. Gradually stir in flour mixture and
oats until well combined. (If it seems to be getting a
little thick, slowly add about 1/4 cup non-fat milk as
needed.) Stir in nuts etc. Bake until golden (about 25

7 thoughts on “

  1. I posted a comment and “poof” it is gone!  Your entry way looks awesome! You did a fantastic job.  I love all your welcome signs!  :O)  I’m coming over and sitting on your front porch!  Love that!

    xxoox Cat

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog.  I like the welcome mat. Your porch is very pretty.  The breakfast bars sound really good.  I’ll have to try them.

  3. Hi!! Thanks for coming over to comment at my blog!! I love the welcome mat, it’s very pretty. Your front door entrance is excellent! I will have to try that recipe it sounds so yummy!! Do you speak computer fluently?….as in reboot your dryer!! I had a good laugh at that one…!! Have a great evening and take care!  *~*Shelley*~*

  4. All I can say is………WOW!  You work and you get so much done! I could take lessons from you.  Love the entrance and the welcome mat.  I guess I should add sweeping the front porch to my list of things to do today. I’m going to use the breakfast bar recipe. It’s so hard getting up with 2 kids going to HS now!

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