Very quiet in my home…and I am awake and feeling refreshed.  I am going into work early so I can come home early.  Hubby is off today so I don’t have to cart Tommy to daycare.  So I will shower and head to work.   I have two appoitments today and one is a family with a baby so I will get to hold her.  She is soooo cute. 

I have a coutesty car from the dealsership for today.  I couldn’t figure out how to drive it at first.   It is an automatic, but it had a letter on it I didn’t know M.  I guess you can also drive it as a manual.  weird…..haven’t driven a newer car in ages.  The new things they come up with. 

I slept so well last night.  I was out cold by 9:30 and didn’t even hear Josh come home from work.  Good thing hubby was here to hold down the fort.   Tommy slept in his own bed.  WOW…and how did this come about.  I had a discussion with him and told him I didn’t feel good and I was really tired and would he please sleep in his bed…and he said OK.  Yep…that is is…I asked him to and he did it.   I am sure it will never happen again, but I needed it.   He also had some benedryl before bed since his ankle was swelling up.  His allergies are terrible he is covered in rash.  So I was hoping the benedryl would help with that all. 

Well it is nearly 7:00 so I better hit the shower and get to work.  Have a great friday!! 

2 thoughts on “

  1. Awww, sweet Tommy!  I’m glad you got some rest.  I’m sure you needed it by this point.

    You’re so very kind to offer clothes, or to think of it.  I’m always amazed by the generosity of my online friends. 

    Have a good day! 

  2. I can drive automatic, but I can’t drive standard. It’s impossible to coordinate my feet, hands and brains together while trying to drive straight!!

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