Hubby let me sleep in again this morning after being up with Tommy in the middle of the night the last few days.    I slept in until 9:30….that felt good!   My Tommy is such a stubborn little man.    I made him sleep in his bed last night, since I jsut really needed some sleep.   I told him if he slept in his bed he could have a sticker in the morning and when he earns two stickers we will go buy a candy at the store.   After much upset he did fall asleep in his bed until sometime in the middle of the night he snuck into bed to curl up by momma.   In the morning he said “I don’t get a sticker and I don’t care, I want to sleep with momma”.    Hmm……..I really wouldn’t mind him sleeping with us, but he hits me in the face numerous times while I am sleeping and I just don’t get any sleep.   If he would lay still….we would all be fine.    I think we will try it again tonight….at least if he sleeps in his bed for part of the night we get some sleep uninterrupted.   It is so hard for me to listen to him cry though. 

Oh..Lori – Yo-J Popsicles are simply homemade popsicles we make with those popsicle molds you can buy at Target.  We invested in a couple of set of them.    We just pour the yogurt drink (yo-J) in them and freeze.   I also make them with pudding, fruit slush and 100% fruit juice.   It is a nice summer treat. 


Library and Target

LUNCH – Sandwhiches

Organize my freezers
Make some muffins and Brownie Bites

SUPPER – Vermicelli LoMein

MISSIONS – Kelly’s Zone Missions From Flylady Site

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